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Universal Soundwaves Explained by an Etheric Being

This reading was done for a client that spent much of her time within the Ethers, assessing the health of the various structures within the galaxy. All images have been created to depict the visuals that came through for her.

As I opened up her Records, I was brought to a place that was very, very bright white with glowing waves of purple and blue. The colors were faint, though appearing as sound waves fluctuating up and down, as you would see in an audio recording. This space appears to be an energetic hub that releases soundwaves depicting how various planets and galaxies communicate to each other. They begin so show me how whales and dolphins use echolocation to sense the distance and shapes of objects surrounding them. The Navy also uses this form as SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging) to determine the distance of other ships. This appears to be the method of communication for various structures within space.

It feels as though we are within the core of this energetic space. It is unclear if this is a planet, star system, or within the etheric field as there is no solid matter or beings, only energy. Though it appears to have an extremely high vibration within a higher dimensional realm which its main function is communication. Her essence permeates throughout this space, though it is all one. It does not branch off from a main source and no individualization, only one.

I ask for help to interpret the information and they begin to zoom out, which is much easier to understand. I now see it as a distant star with the SONAR sound waves pulsating away from it. I can hear the high pitch sounds of the whales and dolphins. It appears to be a beautiful connection to the universe that just flows through outward from this hub establishing contact with other structures within space. I now see her human form and these soundwaves pulsating throughout the essence of her soul, anchoring to her heart. There are other Earth beings that contain this frequency within them, though within the Ethers she spent much time within this hub.

She then explains how this hub operates. The SONAR waves emitted from this hub bounce off other space structures and senses their vibrational health. It is able to sense fluctuations in various galactic systems and then communicates to other structures to adjust accordingly. It is an interdependent system connecting all universal structures. Currently, the flow of communication is anchored from the hub to the Earth, because this is where her soul has incarnated. Wherever she is within the Universe, is where the line of communication flows from the hub. She is here now to assess the health of the Earth and transmit vibrational health information back to the main communication source. Currently, there are many other star systems connecting to Earth and I can see massive arms cradling the planet, as the Universe is working together, through these sound waves, to provide aid. This aid is through the work of Lightworkers, and Extra-Terrestrial beings in remote viewing stations to assess various areas of health. E.T. beings are able to intervene and communicate more directly with the human soul, while her line of communication goes directly to the main hub.

I then begin to see a bright ball of light, that is just as bright as the hub, within the center of her chakras. She closes her eyes and begins to tune into this frequency, which enables her to connect to the health of the planet. (She is an energy worker and Illumination teacher in her Earth form) Those she has has attuned to Illumination have also been linked to this energy, and she is able to link herself to them to further assess the health of the collective within the planet. The more she attunes and teaches, the more antennae’s she creates.

She then appears in space in human form with her hands out beside her, in a very etheric state, eyes closed. She is described as a "puppeteer" whom is able to tug on energetic strings of other souls in which she has created energetic connections. With each tug, their strand begins to vibrate at a higher rate, allowing that soul to get back on track. After all, it is the collective mission to bring balance to Earth. The energetic state of health continually fluctuates, very rhythmically like an ebb and flow as you would see with the tide. She has this flow within her and can sense when a shift has occurred.


They begin to lift my hands up around my throat and my third eye, beginning to communicate with her using Light Language. They can hear her communicate with them. I pause and allow the transmission to come through. (I am also being told that those that read this will also receive a transmission).

Her higher self begins to laugh and smile with so much joy, as if she's so excited for her to be receiving this information.

I ask what they can show me next.

I’m then brought back into space, no particular star system, just space with stars in the distant background. Her higher self is floating here in human form and attempting to better explain the system to me in a way I can understand. It’s like she's a teacher presenting on a digital screen. She explains that they call her a type of “space doctor,” (because they know our human minds would understand this term)

She then show me various planets and star systems connected by lines. Each line represents various states of health. Red lines go towards those with a lower vibration, while blue lines extend from higher vibration star systems, such as the Pleiades and Arcturus. Higher vibration systems are then linked to lower vibration systems to balance out the health. This is presented in this format to allow us to understand how the system works and how all galactic structures are interdependent on each other. She says, "I am also a teacher out here in the ethers as I have been for some time, I teach the system to the Walkers of Light, many of those who are connected to the health of the universe each role play an important piece with the dimensional shift. I am both in human form and in the ethers, continually communicating with the star systems." I ask if she has had many incarnation in physical form within the galaxy, and it seems like much of the work she did was within the Ethers. The lives she did have in physical form did not seem significant enough at this time to bring through. “I am also a teacher out here in the ethers as I have been for some time, I teach the system to the Walkers of Light, many of those who are connected to the health of the universe each role play an important piece with the dimensional shift. I am both in human form and in the ethers, continually communicating with the star systems." I ask if she has had many incarnation in physical form within the galaxy, and it seems like much of the work she did was within the Ethers. The lives she did have in physical form did not seem significant enough at this time to bring through.

It's as if while in the Ethers, she is a step above in dimensions from the Galactic beings and she would communicate her findings with them. Like a hierarchy of roles. She is up top monitoring the health status, receives information from Earth and the hub, and then relays her findings with different Star beings to intervene. They would then delegate tasks to those beings with specific roles. Such as light code creation, DNA replication, grid line assessment, land surveying…etc.

I ask why she decided to come to Earth if her role is so vital within the Ethers. They don’t bother to show me any Earth incarnations, however, the purpose of this specific timeline for her is to “plug-in,” to establish a link from the main hub to the planet. They describe it as a link that goes directly from the hub to the Earth, as opposed to the hub to other galaxies. With her being incarnated in human form, she has assisted in opening up a line in which communication is able to flow.

Another Light Language transmission begins to flow through for her. At this point, pause again to receive this download. With this, I’m seeing an alignment occurring within her chakras and soul that resembles a beam of light flowing up through the Ethers and then straight down your chakras into the core of the planet. This is an energetic link from the hub to Earth’s core. I then see you at the core and the planets and galaxies rotating around you at the center.

I ask about the modality she was given as a download, Illumination.

When she attunes others to Illumination and she sends up her diamond to call in the energy, the hub also is able to access this calling from the souls. This establishes further links within the planet directly to the hub, to further assess the health of Earth and progression towards the dimensional shift. “We are monitoring everything and you are helping to create this link.” I now begin to see the Earth cracked open with the top portion removed so you can see the core. This core contains a bright light which resembles a heartbeat and holds the anchor from the hub.

I then see a dark bluish/turquoise ball rising within the galaxy with her hands beneath it. This is a new source of energy that she has access to right now which is able to “awaken souls.” It doesn’t feel like this energy is being utilized currently, however, she is holding space for this. She says, “it’s not time dear, but when it is, hold on to your hats!” It is a connection to Illumination, as if it has remained dormant for some time, similar to a glass box with a sign on it that says, “break in case of emergency.” She is able to connect to this energy now and may ask questions about it, but may not yet be available to “plug into.” This energy is necessary for the health of the planet as this is her mission since the beginning of her creation.


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