This is a reading done for a a soul that has spent much time within the Etheric field as one with Source energy, as well as within the Quantum Field.
This is a transcription of her recorded reading.
As I opened up your Records, your higher self appears and looks like she is doing a type of Qi Gong with graceful movements of shifting energy. You move your arms around your body and your head as if you are holding an energetic ball between your hands. You then motion your hands up above your crown and begin doing Light Language. Your Higher Self appears to be signing very quickly while dancing. You then ask me to follow you to your time within the Ethers, and appear very excited for our journey. We enter a spaceship with purple and magenta lights illuminating all of the electronics inside. As we look down, we see a red glowing planet, and I hear the name “Vega,” referring to this Star system. I then begin to see swirls and meteor debris circling around a center focal point. Similar to what a hurricane looks like from a satellite. You take me through the center, which appears to be a wormhole, in which all light turns to blackness. We are now floating through the darkness of space.
We have entered a different dimension now, with purple and turquoise bright light, moving
rhythmically through the blackness. The shapes of the beams of light appear similarly to the
Sydney Opera House in Australia. You inform me that this is a very high vibrational space we are about to enter and as we get closer to the light, you transform into a Being with a long white glowing robe covering you. The beauty of this space is breathtaking with blends of glowing colors of greens and blues. No defined physical matter, but a beautiful pallet of color.

You place your arm out and gold light emits from your fingertips, which you fan out around you. The gold light turns into strings, similar to that of a harp. You then begin to pluck the strings causing them to vibrate, resulting in an energetic surge flowing towards you, emitting a musical sound. Can you show me a life during which she had a physical body? I begin to see you lift off the ground into a Starship towards a planet with several holes in it. You appear to be digging holes with your ship, and then filling the holes with a sort of translucent thick, slimy liquid that hardens under moonlight. You fill these holes with your ship, and then smooth out the tops of the holes with your hands on the surface. Once covered, you place your face to the ground to assess your work. I am told this is a planet
that had been destroyed, though still contains energetic currents. You are working with a team to heal and repair it. It was destroyed by some sort of blasts from an enemy Starship, and you care for it as if it were a wounded animal.
Can you show me another lifetime?
We then are taken to another planet with a large, orange glowing sun, through this sun is
not very bright, it is darker orange. This planet appears similar to Earth with a sky and
greens on the surface. You are sitting with other beings in a line in a meditative state. You all are wearing robes similar to the Roman Togas, patting your legs, chanting and humming. Your hands are on each other’s shoulders swaying back and forth in song. This is a sun worshiping ceremony, similar to our moon rituals that have been done on Earth. These beings smile and have a sense of humor, and you are looked up to like an elder within their tribe.

The energy then begins to feel very heavy and I am brought to a space that becomes brighter. There is a massive white light above my head with glowing strands falling down around me, similar to what it could feel like to be in the center of a massive, glowing jellyfish. White, with light pink and purple light strands surrounding me swaying back and forth. What is the space? This is within the Quantum Field. The energy is very heavy and the vibration of this dimension is extremely high. There is no human form within this space, only energy. It is difficult to describe how vast it becomes as we zoom out, and I can see light spanning across the Universe surrounding it, and small galaxies in the center while looking in. This space appears to be outside of all space, time and dimensions. The vastness and high dimension of it feels indescribable. If you could image being at Niagara Falls, standing at the top looking down, and instead of massive amounts of water falling into the center of the, it is energetic currents of light, falling into the Universe. As the energy flows towards the center, a cloud of purple mist floats through the atmosphere, this creates an exchange of some sort of matter. “We are in the 13th dimension. Your soul is one here, there are no independent parts”.

I am then showed a trail of gold light that I begin to follow, which is similar to the brightness of the Angelic realm, though I am told it is not. I see gold figures wearing white cloaks. They explain that you have spent much of your time within the Ethers as one with various dimensions of Source energy, creating and healing galaxies and planets. Your higher self appears again, doing hand movements showing me your palm and top of your hand, rotating back and forth, and then begin signing Light Language. You
show me how you are able to reach out your hand and light comes out of your fingertips, which you seem very proud of. They show me how vast your healing range can be spanned out. ”A true healer, your light is expansive and reaches so many.” They show me a pebble dropped into a body of water and ripples that go on forever. This is how they describe how expansive your healing light is.
My hands are then brought over my head with my fingers touching; they draw a circle with a black background with turquoise ring creating a portal for you to enter this Quantum space. Though they say you do not need this portal to get there. Your Higher Self places her hands together in prayer, bends forward to bow, and then continues to sign Light Language and sings. At this point I am pulled into the vibration of the Quantum Field for several minutes, I am in awe with the heaviness of this space and it took me a bit to pull myself out!
