Akashic Records Course
The Galactic Records and the Amenti Halls
This is a self guided, level 2 course workbook with links to meditations and attunements. It will provide those with experience reading the Akashic Records for themselves or others with the tools to raise their vibration and access the higher dimensions of the Galactic Akashic Records and the Amenti Halls.

About the course:
This curriculum is self-guided and includes three parts. The first part includes self-care tips to help raise your vibration, the evolution of a consciousness from Source energy to early Earth civilization, the more well-known star groups, and various Starseed traits.
The second part dives into how to navigate the higher dimensions within the Galactic Akashic Records. This will include steps to Akashic Record reading, setting your intention of accessing galactic information, various methods of relaying the information to your client, intuition, and things that may come up in readings.
The third part includes the Amenti Records. Sections of this curriculum were channeled, which provide a "behind the scenes" look within the Amenti Halls, including how information is stored and retrieved. This information will not be found in books, and much of it has been revealed from within the Halls themselves.
A 54 page course workbook PDF
Galactic Connection Meditation
Star Group Meditation
Rejuvenation Meditation
Meet the Master- Amenti Attunement
A Guided Journey through the Amenti Halls.