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A Journey Through a Parallel Universe

This reading was done for a soul that spent time traveling through parallel universes and teaching young Beings how to manifest. Here is a transcription of her recorded reading.

I begin to see a spinning gyro sphere, similar to the movement you would see of a hula-hoop spinning on the ground, though this shape is spinning in space. Your Higher Self appears, wearing a dress with a wand, very magical and fairy Godmother like, she places the wand over the sphere and it turns into an animal, a rabbit, which is a symbol for your magical abilities. You use your magic to create energetic currents for creation and manifesting. I hear that you also create these currents as a method of transportation to “ride the current through the Ethers.” A master manifestor, by just setting your intention to create. All out of joy and love. You float up, almost as if you are swept off your feet and are carried to a planet surface, no atmosphere. You show me your long tail, cat-like features. I ask if you are of Lyran decent and the answer feels puzzling. I attempt to use the pendulum to fact check, and my hand is pulled away.

They are telling me this is a type of parallel universe from Lyra, though beings look similar, they had much different experiences. The travels your soul has been through is vast, more so than most. Most souls are unable to jump universes, and yours is. It is a rare gift. The view widens out to reveal your planet of origin. I see valleys, and water falling into enormous pools, pink sky. You lay on the ground soaking up the sun in this galaxy, pure bliss. What is her role? You are a teacher for younger beings, similar to Merlin, you teach magic, manifestation, and hold a light within your solar plexus. This light holds your abilities and you teach the younglings how to use their light. For example, you show me one child hold the light in his hands and he begins to fly. Another hops around, and you tell me, “this is just basics of manifesting so they can learn the skill. The more advanced tasks come when they get older, though you prepare them for this.”

Where do you live? You bring me to a cave behind a waterfall. It is dark, and then you pull light from your essence and illuminate the space. It is beautiful, with glowing orange light illuminating the technology. You even have a device that plays music, though not like our music. It is similar to low-pitched tones that are also able to create. You show me earth objects, like a chair, to allow my human brain to understand that all you need to do is set your intention and the sound instantly manifests. The sound also plays while you sleep and it energizes and clears you. You do not sleep as humans do as this space is at a much higher density than Earth, it is more so of a clearing and recharging. I ask if there is anything else to show me here and you bring out a wooden music box with high-pitched notes. This raises your vibration quickly and you offer a smile on your feline like face. You say these higher pitched notes help your human form as well. The tones of chimes, bells, and children’s music box melodies are able to bring you back to your time on this planet and give you a quick energetic shift to raise your vibration.

Can you show me another incarnation? I am hearing that you have been involved in many incarnations of those around you during your time on Earth. Whether as a Guide or a teacher, “as you are currently on Earth,” that you really do bring magic everywhere you go. Your Higher Self then shows me your consciousness within space singing. You do not have a physical form but are a higher dimensional consciousness that emits higher frequency melodic tones to raise the vibration of those around you. You are not in physical form, only consciousness, one with Source energy. You remain in this space as if it is an incubator, ready to release you. I then see an enormous gold butterfly emerge from this space, symbolizing you have morphed into an evolved form, ready to carry on the next layer of your purpose. This upgraded essence is able to travel across dimensions to parallel universes and land to observe.

Your energy is very stoic, confident, and regal. Your vibration is extremely high, Archangel like. You show me yourself in form and I see you are completely glowing gold, with a white hood, and gold wings. I cannot see your face, just the outline of your cloak, you open your arms out and a channel of white light emits from your hearts pace up through the Ethers, and then down to the planet’s center. You have done this on many planets, including Earth. It is not just healing the planet or raising the vibration, it is energetically shifting the consciousness. As you do this, plants and animals are able to feel this shift, as they function at a higher frequency than humans do. They are telling me that they are grateful to you and your work is necessary to their survival. Calling you an old soul would not give credence to the amount of galaxies/dimensions and consciousnesses you have experienced.


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