This reading was done for a soul that spent time protecting
Light Codes and transmuting the shadow energy from humans on Earth.
Here is a transcription of his recorded reading.

You appear excited for our journey together, smiling, pointing at planets and star systems as if you are my galactic tour guide. We arrive at a planet that resembles Saturn, purple with rings surrounding it. You make motions to me as if you are holding a rifle to explain that this planet has been under attack before because it holds value. “We need to proceed with caution.” We enter the atmosphere and are brought to the surface. It is nighttime and there are many flashing lights above us. You are still your Higher Self telling this story. You tell me you are a “Keeper,” assigned to the protection of this planet. I see you on the outskirts with a team assessing the activity from above. You draw a circle with your hands to signify a hole which information flows through. ”This is an exit point of a Wormhole that many beings travel through as there are various goods and information stored here. Data is extracted for the creation of Light Codes, though this process must be carefully monitored.” I ask if there is any life here and I hear “no, only information.” Your team monitors what comes in and out, and as we leave, you look back with admiration and gratitude. You are very fond of this space. I hear that you astral travel back to this planet often.
Where are we going next?
We enter a war zone, a Being gets shot by a blast and others run towards him. They have blue skin, a wider forehead with dark blue jumpsuits. They place the Being onto a type of stretcher to carry him out. We are on the surface of a planet, it does not have an atmosphere, and it is darker outside. As you carry this Being it’s Soul lifts up and floats away, as it has passed on. Your team places the body on the ground, and you honor his life, as he appears to be an elder of your kind.

I ask about the technology in this space and you bring me to your headquarters. It is a large, darker office with several glowing screens, no overhead light, only the lighting from the technology inside. You sit at your desk with your head in your hands, as if you are discouraged with an unfavorable outcome. In front of you is a large screen displaying the Earth, your work appears to be monitoring the planet in some sort of way. As you are at your desk, you get pulled out, as if a cord has reached into your back and yanked you out. This is the mothership of your kind and they are beaming your team off this planet’s surface. You are brought to a very bright Starship with other Beings that resemble you. This appears to be a docking station where a commander meets you to give a status report regarding your mission. I am then told that we are on Sirius, during which there were several other missions occurring that focused on Earth. The sun begins to rise and time spent on the planet surface is coming to an end. Work is done mainly at night, and then at sunrise all report back to the docking station. We appear close enough to Earth as she is seen clearly.

We are now in a space of pure energy, blackness with green sound waves flowing through the darkness. I then see an enormous, crystal-like castle with a bright light shine behind it. As it rises it becomes more massive and it now reveals itself as a bright white Starship. As it rises there are glowing blue lights lining the structure. A cargo bay door lowers and there are beings inside. They are more gray appearing, no visible eyes, small mouth, wider forehead and cranium wearing darker black robes. You motion for me to follow you, and as you walk it appears you are of authority. Halls are bright white as we walk through the ship. You then rise and stretch out your arms and beam us to another location. We arrive in a space of blankness, (similar to where Morpheus and Neo meet in the Matrix) You show me gold images of shapes and coordinates. You are able to wave your hands and manipulate these coordinates and data.
You appear to be involved in the shadow work on planet Earth. The Earth is shown with areas of dark shadows and you show her “breathing heavily” from the darkness. Your people observe these areas during which lower vibrational events have occurred. Your team assesses this shadow work to be sure it is effectively cleared and transmuted. Your team travels to Earth through incarnating in human form to assess the different frequencies and vibrations on Earth, light and dark. “You see, the dark is not yours, it is the shadow work of others that you are seeing. It is important in this lifetime to be able to disconnect from this energy, for you have incarnated to monitor this work within other humans. You are able to transmute the healed shadow.” Clearing yourself daily and releasing what’s not yours is important for you.
As you read this, they shine a bright white light from your heart, up through your crown. “There is a channel open for you, that flows from your heart through to the Ethers
to disperse any darkness that you sense within.
Keep this channel open and send any dark energies through it.”
