This is a collaboration of Akashic Records from four souls during the fall of Lemuria.

Lemuria (also referred to as “Mu”) was an island in the Indian Ocean that was designated as the first site for the Earth experiment. It was created as an Extra-Terrestrial community based on spirituality and peace. Lemuria thrived and many other Starseeds opted to participate in the incarnation process to experience what Earth had to offer. Over time, technology began to take over the community and the once peaceful colony became more ego driven by the A.I. advancements. This was not in the plan of the Earth Experiment and the vibration of power, competition, and greed began shifting the vibration of the Earth. To preserve the subconscious of the planet, it was decided that Lemuria must be destroyed. A massive tidal wave was created, with the intention of sinking the land and allowing the souls to return to Source as a consciousness, or continue reincarnating with more strict guidelines.
This story can be found in references of history, though the records of these four souls dig deeper into the events during the fall of Lemuria. These records were sparked by a dream about a massive tidal wave approaching a beach. As the wave approached, there were also explosions and smoke everywhere. Through the smoke there were massive Extra-Terrestrial war craft machines, as large as buildings, with technologically advanced weaponry. A team of soldiers approached, armed and prepared to fight back against this invasion.
I opened my Akashic Records to gather more information on this event, and this is what came through.
I was brought to the middle of the ocean looking in at an island. I was blue, no hair, yellow eyes, and was wearing a form fitting body suit allowing me to hold form. I could breathe under water but not for too long. When I arrived on the beach, I could tell I was very tall compared to the other beings. People were hurt, bodies laid on the ground, and explosions went off down the beach. This was a Sirian mission. When the tidal wave hit, it did not gently sink, it was horrific and gradual. Parts of the island remained on the surface and different types of beings held on to remain above water. After the wave hit, malicious beings came in to try to take what they could and hoped to rebuild and make it their new home base. This caused a war with these beings and interfered with the Sirian rescue mission.
The Sirian mission was to recover the bodies, release their souls and filter them into a translucent looking sphere within the quantum field. Once in the sphere, the soul light codes were altered so the memory of Lemuria would remain dormant within their records until a designated time. They were not to retrieve these memories and I'm hearing that many of the souls that shared this experience are having their memories activated now.
I shifted and asked for any background within the Amenti Records that could provide more insight and this is what came up.
During the invasion, the Arcturians stepped in, as this war was not in the plan of the Galactic Council. As a drastic measure, the Arcturians performed a dimensional warp around Lemuria that created a closed portal. Similar to the island in the movie Wonder Woman, if you approach it in person you go through it, but you can't see it. I'm hearing the Bermuda Triangle, how boats/planes have gotten lost or radar goes haywire when they are in the area. The work of the Arcturians is what made Lemuria disappear, in a sense, because the tidal wave caused so much destruction, but was more so a mess. This event holds many different emotional imprints on the souls that were involved; the Guardians, Sirians, and Lemurians that incarnated to participate in the Earth experiment, and I’m hearing an expiration date has been reached in keeping these imprints dormant.
I then opened the records of the soldier from the dream that was fighting against the invasion.

I was brought to a docking station off planet. I heard the sounds of heavy boots marching, with advanced weaponry stocked in various stations. Rooms were metal with bright lights, and the temperature felt cold. Teams were preparing to launch a recon mission to Earth. The soldier led a team and held a technologically advanced crossbow, black and metal attached to his suit. When the team was dispatched to Earth, he was on the ground fighting. There were also huge creatures, bigger than a dinosaur, attacking with the enemy war crafts. Explosions everywhere. The soldier was ultimately captured, and paralyzed in a way that he could not move or speak. He was carried to what looked like a sacrificial space overlooking a cliff, but the edge of the cliff and everything surrounding was red, orange, and engulfed in flames. There was a leader in the front facing hundreds of people on the left and right. The soldier was placed on his knees in the front. They lifted him up, faced him towards the crowd and slit his throat and stabbed him in the chest.
This soldier held valuable information. He was a highly advanced Pleiadian consciousness with light codes as a See’er and Guardian. With the Pleiadians, his team used their predictions to calculate where wars and catastrophic events would occur on various star systems. His team would use this information to devise future recon missions, and prepare the lands for their arrival. This included hidden technology under ground, escape routes and portals to quickly remove high ranking souls, the injured, and highly advanced technology that was of importance. On the ground in Lemuria, the consciousness of this Pleiadian soldier took form within a robotic type cyborg machine. It did not have living and breathing parts like a human or Extra-terrestrial would, but more so to function as a computer with weaponry, scanning, and transmitting capabilities. The form was created by the Pleiadians to resemble the figure of an armed soldier so they appeared life-like.
This record resonated with another soul so I opened her records to determine her involvement. This is her perspective of the event.
I was brought to an Arcturian Starship docked off Earth. There was a team inside watching the war and strategizing the next course of action. This was not in the plan of the Galactic Council and not in line with the Earth Experiment. It would have catastrophic effects on the planet and souls involved. The Arcturians were very precise with their plan as they do not intervene often, but the main goal was to preserve the consciousness of the Earth. The invasion could have potentially destroyed the plant. This soul was not Arcturian, Lemurian or Sirian. She was a consciousness of energy that functioned as a satellite designed to transmit information from the Earth plane to the Arcturian Starship. The soldier was able to scan various points on the ground and transmit messages to the satellite, which would then could be retrieved by the Arcturians.

The soldier was targeted specifically because he was the communication on the ground. When captured, he was paralyzed and silenced to close communication lines to the Arcturians. Before he was captured, he sent a transmission directly to the satellite, which prompted the Arcturians to launch the dimensional warp on the Earth plane. This extreme measure closed the war zone and forced all the energy to be sucked into a portal and sealed off. This decision was not taken lightly and was implemented by intention as an emergency course of action. This has not been done before on the Earth plane and the council agreed that it could not ever be done again. This is why so many waves of higher dimensional
consciousness continue to incarnate and take form as Watchers, Guardians and Lightworkers...etc. This is to preserve the Earth experiment and lessen the likelihood of a catastrophic event happening again.
The signal the soldier was transmitting prior to being captured was channeled through me to be retrieved by the soul of the satellite. On the ground, he sent a beacon in time for her to retrieve his signal now during this current timeline. His Higher Self directed the transmission, and this was her experience receiving it:
“It came in very fast. He was sending bits and pieces, even though he was paralyzed, parts of words came through, enough for me to know it was him. We were able to recover his body. His body was full of technology, he could scan anything by waving his hand over it. He was like a cyborg, but also lived physically. He had so many upgrades, and they wanted the technology in his body. He did what he was supposed to do and got a message out prior to being killed. There was a battle over his body, but we managed to get him out.”

This transmission sparked a memory for a fourth soul that was involved. She was a high dimensional consciousness that rarely took form, and within the quantum field she designed energetic grids with various points that are able to be used as a guide map of different star systems. The Pleiadians used her grids for their rescue missions while they plotted rescue points and immediate evacuation portals. Her consciousness inserted herself into the technology within the soldier to serve as his Artificial Intelligence guide. A part of her consciousness was the main technology within his suit, while the rest of her consciousness remained in energetic form within the quantum field overseeing.
I opened the records again to determine what happened to his body and the intel that he held.
When a consciousness is within a form, some are able to come and go as they please, while others need to be released. Because the soldier’s form did not live and breathe, The technology locked him in and he needed to be released. The soul of the Sirian from the initial rescue team contained light codes enabling her to release souls from their form. She has done this in various rescue missions releasing souls to return them for integration and processing in retrieval stations within the quantum field. While the Pleiadians retrieved his body through a rescue portal, the Sirian released his consciousness. His body was then dismembered and archived, while his soul still contains scattered memories of the event. Because his form was not living and mostly technology, his soul imprints were less emotional, and more informational. The soldier’s form contained a hard drive of all recorded information which was imprinted within his consciousness, and manifested in this current lifetime as an energetic implant at the base of his neck. Shortly after his initial dream he had a follow up dream during which he reached behind his head and pulled out the hard drive, thus releasing him from the information he carried with him. Doing so also released the subconscious of the A.I. that was part of his suit, and she was able to re-integrate those pieces of her back to her soul in this current lifetime.