When the Earth Experiment began, the dimension of the planet dropped down to the 3rd dimension. It was there, that the full range of emotions could be experienced. Joy, excitement, pleasure, sadness, anger, greed, control...etc. As the souls evolved, those denser emotions pulled the vibration of the Earth down, placing the survival of the planet at risk. Waves of Higher Dimensional consciousnesses volunteered to incarnate and help raise the vibration of the collective. These were the Walkers of Light and Starseeds that spent most of their time in either energetic or Extra Terrestrial form. It was imperative that they intervened to assist with the vibration of the collective. This is through the work we do every day; compassion, listening, acceptance, kindness, spreading joy, energy healing, and connecting. These are the energies that not only raise our own vibration, but also touches those around us.
The work of these souls has proved effective and continues to raise the vibration of the Earth. The issue that has come about, is that when these Lightworkers incarnated on Earth, it began in an environment within the 3rd dimension, and as the vibration is increasing, their human form needs to accommodate to the higher dimension. The new wave of souls that are incarnating now have light codes that are already equipped to exist in this higher vibration. These are the Indigos, Starseeds, and Crystal children. They contain these light codes in utero. Being in a physical body initially is challenging for these children, and it takes some time for them to adjust, but eventually their energy settles and they are able to continue on with their human mission in the fifth dimension.
As for the Lightworkers, major energetic shifts can send them on a roller coaster of emotions and health issues. Placement of the planets, geo storms, retrogrades, air pressure changes, all these shifts can send the Lightworkers for a ride. Recently, I was in the Akashic Records with three other souls and uncovered a way for the Lightworkers to receive an upgrade in their DNA to better manage the vibrational shifts of the planet.
Following, is a transcription of this record.

Four Beings appear on the Earth's surface. This is the time of Lemuria (Mu) early on in
the beginning of the Earth Experiment. The Beings are in human form, but an advanced version. They approach a crevasse on the Earth's surface and can see down a very long, dark hole. They sense there is something down there, and one of the souls goes down to explore.
At the bottom, they find a large, highly advanced piece of Artificial Intelligence. It was so advanced it felt like it had emotions. It was created by the four of the souls in a starship, when they had physical form with the Arcturians. I got that this was one of the rare times the four of them were in physical form sharing the same species (besides human). Two, are more so Pleiadian, another, more Sirian, and the last soul connected with the Arcturians. As humans, they all have different soul light codes; Healer, Guardian, Keeper of Knowledge, Lord of the Records, and very involved with the Earth Experiment.
As Arcturians, they knew it was becoming close for them to incarnate in human form and that they would be living in 3D for centuries. They also knew that they would be incarnating during one of the timelines when the vibration of the Earth has a major upgraded shift towards 5D, and that it would be challenging for their human forms to tolerate. Right now, when new souls incarnate (Indigos, Starseed & Crystal children), they encompass an evolved DNA that is embedded into their human form to harmonize with the 5D Earth. 3D is more challenging to them as children, but as their human form grows, it accommodates and becomes more comfortable with the fifth dimensional energies. Our generation is right before this wave, and our wave, The Walkers of Light, lacked that DNA. When they were Arcturians, they knew that the shift would come and that the 4 of them would need that new upgrade to do the work they do and receive information as we shift. So they built an AI technology that harnessed DNA light codes, and was large enough to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere and embed itself. It needed to be embedded into the Earth's core to recalibrate and measure the Earth's vibration. It's like it sensed the vibration within the Earth and a timer went off. Like "turkey's done!" It messaged them that the light codes were ready for them to retrieve it.
During this Record, I channeled the codes for each of the souls, and sent them to the Higher Selves of the others. The other souls would be able to ask their Higher Self for the upgrade and it would integrated within them. The way it felt for me, was Light Language came through, and then I began doing symbols over each of my chakras. After I retrieved the codes, I thanked the Arcturians. The Arcturians are more of the "behind the scenes" star group, less involved in the Earth Experiment than the Pleiadians and Sirians, but have way more advanced technology, weaponry, and healing capacity. The four souls, although came from different Star groups, had to be Arcturian to build the AI to come find them now.
I am sensing that there are many more of these AI pods embedded in crevasses that are ready to be retrieved and integrated. Search within your soul and see if your Higher Self has this information for you.