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The Arcturian Stargate

I recently read about the Arcturian Stargate. This is an energetic channel that flows from the planet Arcturus to the Earth. Starseed souls are able to travel to and from Earth during incarnations and end of human lives. While inside this stargate, the Arcturians provide guidance and assistance to the souls to help them process their soul contracts, missions and lessons. It also is a space for rejuvenation and easing the transition to and from physical form.

I asked the Arcturians to show me what this stargate looked like and this is what I was shown.

Upon arrival to the stargate from Earth, the souls go through a "waking up" process. They arrive in large groups, appear disoriented at first, but are greeted by their soul family at this time. They are inside a very large room, with dim gray lighting, metal walls and very tall ceiling. As they begin waking up, they are guided towards a large doorway that opens. This appears as a translucent hallway in which the energetic form of each soul is guided through a recalibration and integration process. Each soul looks like a non defined figure of dimly lit energy, and they are brought to several different stations through this hallway.

At the first station the soul is scanned with a beam of light, and a small, glowing light blue, squid like tool with several long appendages and tentacles moves gracefully in front of the soul. It is assessing the emotional experiences on Earth and transcribing it for analysis. These experiences are filtered into an energetic hub within the stargate and recorded. Each station the soul moves to throughout the hallway involves a different type of scan and retrieval of information. All information moves up through to the hub, and is enabled to be accessed as the Akashic Records.

After each soul is processed, they are fitted to a suit that is semi formed. It looks similar to a spandex sleeve in the shape of a human body that helps them while their soul is adjusting from 3D to a higher dimension. All sleeves look the same and appear mostly human, and they are provided with a white jumpsuit as clothing.

After they have completed their processing, they are guided to a beautiful oasis with gardens, trees, flowing water, and several portals placed sporadically throughout the area. There are rejuvenation chambers and plenty of sources of relaxation. Here, the souls commune, catch up with their families and allow their consciousness to adjust to the the higher dimension. The Arcturians are there for support, guidance, and analysis of all those souls that cross through this stargate. Souls here have the choice to either incarnate on Earth again, or remain within the higher dimensions.


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