Let’s go way back to when all that existed was Source energy. All was connected to Source and duality was not existent in a formless dimension, just oneness. At some point, Source decided that it was time to allow separation to create opportunities for exploration of all the magic within the Universe. Since the vibration of the individual parts of Source were so high, the only experiences that could be explored were those of the highest frequency of pure peace. So we began to branch off.

As time went by, we wanted to explore even further and broaden our experiences. To do this, we needed to lower our vibration a bit more, which created further separation from Source. This began in clusters of Light Beings within groups, and then further developed into lowering our vibration a bit more into Ascended Masters and Angels. This brought to us the vibration of love and wisdom, which furthered tempted our curiosity. What else could be out there? With each new experience of love, excitement, colors, and sounds, we lowered our vibration even more until we were able to enter a physical form as an Extra Terrestrial in the 7th Dimension.
And then a human form, in the 5th dimension. Hint: Consciousness is energy, energy spins, which creates the vibration (Ladd, Lorie 2022). For example, a Higher Dimensional consciousness that exists within the 12th dimension could not fit its whole vibration into a body. It’s way to high. It would need to lower its vibration enough to enter physical form. How did we do this? With intention. We intended our vibration to lower, and manifested the physical forms. So what happens to the rest of the consciousness if only a small percentage is in a body? The rest of it either remains in the Ethers, OR is able to incarnate in DIFFERENT physical form. We can go off on a tangent of Twin Flames and Soul Mates, but that’s a whole other class!
Back to our first physical forms- When we gave physical form a try, it was on various planets. Some of the more well-known Star systems are Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius, Centaurus, Lyra and Arcturus. This is when we had fun. Our souls had the opportunity and freedom to create and manifest just by intention. If we thought of it, we could create it. We truly were powerful Beings, (and still are!) Throughout history we have created Galactic Councils, and spent much of our early experiences within the stars. This has resulted in the development of characteristics, affinities and abilities that are similar with our Star family. Just as Italians love pasta, Andromedans love water! All of these traits are encoded within our DNA and is carried with our Soul. We have human form ancestral DNA (ex. blue eyes, brown hair), and Soul DNA (ex. Arcturian with an affinity for knowledge and healing).
So what did we do next? We decided we wanted to experience even more! To do this, the Galactic Councils allowed us to lower our vibration down into the 4th Dimension. Though this would allow us to experience a wider spectrum of emotions; drama, fear, jealousy, power, it also created further separation from Source. It was determined that once we began incarnating as a 4th Dimensional Being, that separation and a more dense vibration meant that we could not bring our memories back into the higher dimensions with us. We would soon forget where we came from, our Star origin, and our soul’s last incarnation. This created an ongoing loop of incarnating over and over again, furthering our separation from Source.
Resource: The Divine Design, Lorie Lad