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A Journey Through Universal Geometry

A timeline of an Etheric Being during the creation of gridlines and universal geometry.

Images have been selected & designed to recreate the visions that came through for this client.

When I open up her Records, I immediately began to see a massive ball of light rising up into the Ethers. It’s enormous, as big as a planet. It then begins to get broken up into smaller bits that look similar to a funnel of energy, all spawned from the larger source. They begin spinning, vibrating and begin rotating around the main energetic source in a circular motion. All identical to each other. “This is the creation of a star system, the first star system ever known into existence. Her soul has existed since the beginning of time, and she has come from one of the first star systems created within the universe. The knowledge within her is vast and she can navigate the Ethers with ease and precision.” In this system she was pure energy and did not have a physical form. Only the creation of her Soul.

Can you show me a life when she had a body?

They shot a beam of light right down to the Orion galaxy. I see soldiers walking in line on the surface, it’s dark, no sun. The surface of the planet seems dry and dusty with dark dirt. The soldiers are wearing bulky protective suits and backpacks. It shows her riding in this type of land craft with long thin legs and she is sitting inside a capsule within it. This craft does not have wheels, it’s more robotic and walks. “What is her role here?” Those that are marching see her but you aren’t really there, she's a hologram. Her physical body is on a docking station and she is operating this land craft from a remote viewing station. She's burying important cases into the ground with the craft she is riding in. The boxes are full of information for the future.

She then shows me an image in the sky, a circle with many points with lines connecting them. Each point signifies a different location. She is creating grid lines on Orion, each box placed within the ground has an energetic current that flows through to the next. It’s an interwoven web of energetic currents that hold together the star system, she is a land surveyor and grid line worker. Many on the planet didn’t even know she was there doing this work. It helped create the structural integrity of Orion. This technology contains precise locations to be placed, which form a very specific energetic current within the land. It strengthens it and provides a life source throughout. She has a specific Light Code embedded into her essence for interpreting and creating geometric shapes.

Can you show me another life?

We pull out of Orion and begin flying through the Ethers. We fly up (or what feels like up) where space becomes brighter and white. She has wings here. We have left the galactic realm and are now in the Angelic realm. I just see her with her wings flying around and very happy. This was a time of rest, meaning no labored work, mostly strategizing and “paperwork.” She is then at a table with several Angelic beings and Metatron at the head. He has many scrolls on the table in front of the group. This is where the creation of soul contracts began. It appears that Metatron was delivering this information from Source to her branch of involvement, which involved the Angelic realm. They were the gatekeepers who conduct the life review for those souls that have passed on from their human form. She reviews the contract with the soul, makes any necessary changes, brings the information back to Metatron, who then brings it back to Source.

She had a part in creating the contracts of those in her mentorship group in human form, preparing them for their Earth incarnations. She not only orchestrates this group in her human form, however,

has been doing so in the ethers for lifetimes. She has created each contract with each soul to be connected at specific points in time during specific incarnations. It makes sense to her because of her ability to see time as intersecting geometric points.

Tell me about any involvement in the Galactic Council.

I see everyone meeting together, it’s not an indoor room, just energy in the Ethers. No defined bodies, just energetic blurs that could resemble arms and legs. She is a long, very bright being floating down a long aisle to the front of the group. There are other light beings there as well. She begins presenting about specific points of intersection on Earth, future points of vital importance during which a significant event will occur. She has had a hand in grid work on Earth, though most of her work on the dimensional shift has been in the ethers.

Her main area of expertise is those point of intersection. These points look like gatherings spaces for highly energetic events, meaning a joining of either Lightworkers or large groups of humans involved in a ritual or a significant event that is capable of a vibrational shift within the planet. She then shows me an image of the Earth with a huge grid overlay with several intersecting glowing points. The Earth begins pulsating like an energetic heartbeat becoming stronger and shifts in vibration with each event.

(During the reading, I begin to feel my vibration being lifted up, my hands brought above my head doing a spinning, funneling motion) They seemed to have raised my vibration up to a level high enough to access the energy of the distant future of the Earth in the 8th dimension. It is so bright and colorful.

“The goal is to return the Earth to its optimal state. It is unclear if beings will be able to sustain a physical form this dimension, though the energy from the memories of all those that have walked the planet completely fill the density of the Earth.” It’s almost as if they refer to the Earth as a museum that beings would observe the beauty and memories. I begin to see beings able to “connect” to the planet energetically to access the memories of humans. Almost like a memorial of the accomplishment of the mission. The Earth has become 8D. “Within the Galactic Council she has a role in assisting the Walkers of the Light with their contracts to be sure they are on the correct path, as she has and done well.” They then show a reverence towards her and many beings bowing around her. They then transformed her into her human form and just then a little white dog begins jumping around her. She happily plays with the dog, smiling. Her soul enjoys the Ethers, though very much enjoys this “human thing.” She begins to tell me, “I think I’m pretty good at it, but transportation is awful.” (LOL!)

They tell me this is one layer for her and to let this piece settle. “To be continued.”


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